Responsible for these pages in accordance with § 6 TDG / § 6 MDstV:
H-TRONIC GmbH based in Hirschau
Amtsgericht Amberg HRB 1274
Managing Director: Alfred Härtl, Edith Härtl
VAT-ID No .: DE 131835110
WEEE No .: DE 27034732
Tel.: (+49) 09622 / 7020-0
Fax: (+49) 09622 / 7020-20
Industriegebiet Dienhof 11
D-92242 Hirschau
Photo Credits:
Photos in the title slideshow: g-stockstudio/ (cover), ESB Professional/ (online shop background), Anna Grigorjeva/ (charger background) momente/ (temperature switch background) Dirk Bösel/ (water level sdatawitch background), Volkova Vera/ (garage door remote background), anyaivanova/ (View more H-TRONIC background image)
Photos services: dotshock/ (OEM-Projects), Dmitry Kalinovsky/ (workbench), servickuz/ (assembly), suphakit73/ (additional services) Hintergrundbild Platinen (Home and Shop): Leonardo Franko/
Photos Know-How: Maxx-Studio/ (battery), lassedesignen/ (motorcycle), Horst Schmidt/ (standstill)
All rights to the other photos and contents of this website are reserved for H-TRONIC.
Alle Rechte an den übrigen Fotos und Inhalten dieser Website sind der Firma H-TRONIC vorbehalten.
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Should the content or the design of individual pages or parts of this website violate rights of third parties, trademarks, copyrights or statutory provisions or violates applicable law, or in any other way contain infringements of competition law, please refer to § 8 Abs UWG, to provide a reasonable, detailed explanatory and fast message without cost note.
We guarantee that the page or parts of this website, which is rightly criticized, are removed within a reasonable period of time, or the legal requirements are fully adapted without the need for the intervention of a legal adviser.
The involvement of an attorney for a written warning will not be necessary, as there has been no wilful intent of violation, and would therefore constitute an infringement of § 13 Section 5 of the UWG.
The cost of a written warning without prior contact with us will be rejected as unfounded in the sense of the obligation to mitigate liability and, if necessary, to file a counterclaim for infringement of the aforementioned provisions.
Disclaimer / Content of the online offer
We assume no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims of material damages or ideal damages caused by the use or negligence of the information provided by us or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are excluded, unless premeditated or gross negligence on our side is proven. Given the fact that technologies and devices are under continuous development, information can be obsolete, inaccurate or contradictory after a short period of time.
All offers are non-binding. We reserve the right to change, amend, or delete parts of the offer or the entire offer without prior notice, or to temporarily or permanently terminate the publication.
References and links
In the case of direct or indirect references to external websites (“links”), which are beyond our sphere of responsibility, liability will only be accepted if we are aware of the contents of the external link and it would if it would be technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent the use of such unlawful content.
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All brands and trademarks mentioned within this Internet site and trademarks protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the respectively trademark law and the rights of ownership of the registered owners. The mere naming does not lead to the conclusion that trademarks are not protected by third-party rights!
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Legal validity of the legal notice and disclaimer
This legal notice and disclaimer is a part of our website. The validity and content of these legal terms is not waived if clauses or individual terms of this statement are not legal or incorrect.
Data protection
According to § 28 BDSG, we point out that we store data submitted by our customers electronically. The handling of the data provided is in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act as well as the Telemedia Data Act. H-TRONIC will not sell, lend or otherwise transfer personal data to third parties.
Online Conflict Resolution
European Commission online dispute resolution platform (OS) for consumers: We are not willing and not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer complaint office.
UX/UI, technical design & concept, implementation with Shopware 6
C3 marketing agentur GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 3
D-95643 Tirschenreuth
Phone: +49 (0) 96 31 / 600 045 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 96 31 / 600 045 - 29